


Donald Trump’s campaign announced it raised $130 million in August, slightly below the previous month's total. Despite the dip, campaign advisers emphasized that the figure

places the GOP nominee in a strong financial position for the final two months of the general election.

According to the campaign, 98% of the donations were contributions under $200, with an average donation of $56, reflecting Trump's grassroots support.

The fundraising update comes as the race between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris heats up. Just over six weeks ago, President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid, elevating Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket. Harris' new candidacy has energized Democratic donors, leading to significant fundraising boosts.

While Harris' campaign has not yet released its August figures, it reported raising $540 million during the five-week period following Biden’s exit and the Democratic National Convention. On Tuesday, the Harris campaign announced it would allocate nearly $25 million to support down-ballot races, marking the largest such contribution in a presidential election cycle.

Trump’s campaign has seen its own fundraising successes. In July, Trump and his affiliates raised $138.7 million, though this was less than what Harris brought in during the opening week of her White House bid.

Entering August with $327 million in cash on hand, Trump’s campaign closed the month with $295 million remaining.

“With Republicans united and increasing numbers of Independents and disillusioned Democrats crossing party lines, the Trump-Vance campaign has momentum going into the final stretch,” senior Trump adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement. “These August fundraising numbers reflect that momentum and will help drive President Trump’s America First movement back to the White House to reverse the catastrophic failures of Harris and Biden.” Photo by Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia commons.