

Biden and Trump campaigns have agreed to a set of rules for the upcoming CNN debate, including mic muting and podium uniformity.

CNN has disclosed details for the first 2024 presidential debate scheduled on June 27 in Atlanta, where President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off. The debate, moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, will span 90 minutes with two commercial breaks. During the debate, microphones will be muted except for the candidate speaking. Each candidate will stand at a uniform podium, determined by a coin flip.

While props and pre-written notes are prohibited, candidates will have access to a pen, pad of paper, and water. Unlike previous debates, there will be no studio audience, and moderators will enforce timing to ensure a civil discussion.

Participants must meet constitutional qualifications and file with the Federal Election Commission. Biden and Trump, along with minor party candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein, have met these criteria. Candidates must also achieve at least 15% in four national polls from specified sources and appear on enough state ballots to potentially secure 270 electoral votes. Photo by Charles Atkeison, Wikimedia commons.