


An EU court on Tuesday will decide if orders by Brussels that Starbucks and Fiat Chrysler pay back taxes are legal, in an early signal on how the same judges will decide a

A Lebanese man, accused of involvement in the hijacking of a TWA plane and the murder of a US navy diver, has been arrested in Greece, police said on Saturday.

Gina Miller's stunning Supreme Court victory against Boris Johnson is the latest legal triumph for the Guyana-born businesswoman, making her a hero to Brexit opponents,

On Monday, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will position himself on the frontline against climate change as he presides over a UN emergency summit, a role some say he

Ten migrants posing as a volleyball team were arrested at Athens' International Airport trying to travel with illegally obtained passports, Greek police said on Sunday

The European Union's two top officials handling troublesome Brexit talks warned Wednesday the risk of a no-deal exit looms large unless Prime Minister Boris Johnson's

Greece on Monday officially requested to repay part of its IMF loans beforethe maturity date, the prime minister said, in a bid to save interest rate costs.

Italian police arrested three people Monday accused of the kidnap, torture and trafficking of migrants hoping to set sail from Libya to Europe.

European parliamentary leaders insisted Thursday there can be no Brexit withdrawal agreement without the "Irish backstop" clause that Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Incoming European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said Tuesday that Brexit -- "should it happen" -- would be only the start of a new relationship between